
Prof. Dr.


Main domain of research

Brain plasticity after eye and brain lesions with focus on visual system damage, vision restoration with behavioral training and non-invasive current stimulation, neuropsychology and neurophysiology of visual system damage, visual system functional imaging; quality of life research in low vision and prediction models of vision restoration; nanotechnology for neuroimaging and drug delivery.


Academic Education

1976-1980 Univ. Trier (Germany) and Clark University (Worcester, USA) (B.A. in Psychology)

1980-1982 Univ. Düsseldorf, Psychobiology, Diplom (M.A. in Psychobiology)

1982-1984 Clark Univ., Ph.D. in Psychobiology



1984-86 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA; Postdoctoral fellow

1986-92 Ludwig-Maximilians Universtiy of Munich Medical School Research Scientist

1991 Harvard Med. School, Visiting Neurosci (Neurol), Mass Gen Hospital, Boston, USA

1992-now Univ. Magdeburg Medical School, Full Professor, Inst. of Med. Psych., Magdeburg

1998-1999 Princeton University, Visiting Research Fellow, Dept. of Psychology, USA

2011-2013 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Senior visiting professor, Inst. Automation, Beijing;

2012-2015 Beijing Tongren Hospital Eye Clinic Adjunct Professor Capital Medical Univ., China



1978-80 Clark Univ. Exchange Scholar

1982-84 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholar and FULBRIGHT scholar

2000 Maria Saveria Cinquegrani-Award, for “Best Innovation in Communication and Information Technologies”, Innov. Relay Centres (IRC) of the Europ. Community, Florenz, Italy

2005 Leonardo Da Vinci-Award, World Organization for the Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia, USA

2008 Science4Life Venture Cup, 3rd place in national business plan competition Technologies GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany), 2008

2009 Venture Lounge Berlin; 1. place, national business plan competition

2011 Start-up Beacon Award; Winner, National Ministry of Economic Development

2013 "Hai-ju" Beijing Overseas Talents Award (by City of Beijing, PR China)

2019 Gusi Peace Prize, Manila, Philippines


Leadership positions

1997-now Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience”

2008-2010 Vice President for Research, Otto-v.-Guericke University of Magdeburg

2010-now Governor, International Association of Brain Injury (IBIA)

2011-now Exec. Brd. Member & Secretary “International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation” (ISLRR)

2019-now Chairman State Chapter, Association of German Universities (DHV)

2012-now Organizer of 6 international conference series on “Low Vision and the Brain”

Scientific publications


>250 SCI publications; 9 books; 20 patents; Citations: >10.000;


Sample publications

  1. Sabel, B.A. et al. (1984). GM1-ganglioside treatment facilitates behavioral recovery from bilateral brain damage. Science 225: 340-342.
  2. Sabel, B.A. and Stein, D.G. (1986). Pharmacological treatment of central nervous system injury. Nature 323: 493.
  3. Sabel, B.A. (1993). Science Reunification in Germany - "A Crash Program". Science 260: 1753-1758.
  4. Sabel, B.A., et al. (1997) In vivo confocal neuroimaging of CNS neurons (ICON). Nature medicine 3: 244-247.
  5. Kasten et al. (1998) Computer-based training for the treatment of partial blindness. Nature medicine 4: 1083-87.
  6. Gothe et al. (2002) Changes in visual cortex excitability in blind subjects by TMS. Brain 125, 479-490
  7. Poggel et al. (2004) Attentional cueing improves vision restoration therapy. Neurology, 63,2069
  8. Sabel, B.A., Gudlin, J. (2014). Vision Restoration Training for Glaucoma. A randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Ophthalmology 132: 381-389
  9. Bola M, Gall C, Moewes C, Fedorov A, Hinrichs H, Sabel BA (2014) Brain functional connectivity network breakdown and restoration in blindness. Neurology 83:542-551
  10. Bola M, Sabel BA (2015) Dynamic reorganization of brain functional networks during cognition. Neuroimage 114:398-413
  11. Bola M, Gall C, Sabel BA (2015) Disturbed temporal dynamics of brain synchronization in vision loss. Cortex 67:134-146
  12. Gall C…Sabel BA (2016) Alternating current stimulation for vision restoration after optic nerve damage: a randomized clinical trial. PLoS One 11: e0156134
  13. Sabel BA, Flammer J, Merabet LB (2018) Residual vision enhancement by the brain in low vision and blindness: dysregulation, plasticity and restoration. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36:767-791
  14. Sabel, B.A., Wang, J., et al. (2018). Mental stress as consequence and cause of vision loss: the dawn of psychosomatic ophthalmology for preventive and personalized medicine. EPMA Journal 9: 133-160.
  15. Dada, T.. Sabel, B.A., Dada, R. (2018). Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Glaucoma 27: 1061-1067
  16. Sabel, B.A. et al (2019) Transorbital alternating current stimulation modifies BOLD activity in healthy subjects and in a stroke patient with hemianopia: a 7-Tesla fMRI feasibility study. Int J. Psychophysiology S0167-8760 (18) 31055-9.
  17.  Bikson et al. (2019) Transcranial electrical stimulation nomenclature. Brain Stimulation. 12(6):1349-1366 - Review.
  18.  Sabel BA, Thut G, Haueisen J, Henrich-Noack P, Herrmann CS, Hunold A, Kammer T, Matteo B, Sergeeva E, Waleszczyk W, and Antal A (2020) Vision modulation, plasticity and  restoration using non-invasive brain stimulation – An IFCN-sponsored review. Clinical Neurophysiology 131: 887-911.
  19. Sabel BA, Richard G (2020) Retinal prosthesis and ‘‘bionic eyes” for vision restoration in the blind: from dawn to dusk. Clinical Neurophysiology 131: 1375–1378



Sabel, B. (2016) Restoring Low Vision, Monograph 278 pages, AMAZON (German Translation: “Wieder sehen”, 2018)











Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Ramos Cadena, Maria de los Angeles;  Sohn, Ashley;  Livengood, Heather;  Lee, Ting-Fang;  Rubin, Batsheva;  Hu, Jiyuan;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matayev, Rachel;  Panarelli, Joseph;  Wollstein, Gadi;  Schuman, Joel S. 

Transorbital alternating current stimulation in a double-masked randomized clinical trial - visual functional effect and quality of life
In: Ophthalmology science - New York,NY : Elsevier, Bd. 5 (2025), Heft 1, Artikel 100614, insges. 6 S.


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Jia, Shuwen;  Mei, Xiaolin;  Chen, Lilin;  Chan, Lok Hin;  Tsang, Celia;  Suen, Venus;  Li, Tingni;  Zaw, Myo Win;  Liu, Amanda;  Thompson, Ben;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Woo, George;  Leung, Christopher K. S.;  Yip, Shea-ping;  Chang, Dorita H. F.;  Cheong, Allen M. Y. 

Glaucoma Rehabilitation using ElectricAI Transcranial Stimulation (GREAT) - study protocol for randomized controlled trial using combined perceptual learning and transcranial electrical stimulation for vision enhancement
In: Trials - London : BioMed Central, Bd. 25 (2024), Artikel 501, insges. 18 S.

Mei, Xiaolin;  Tsang, LaiLin;  Jacques, Theodore;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Leung, Christopher Kai Shun;  Chan, Jonathan Cheuk Hung;  Thompson, Benjamin;  Cheong, Allen Ming Yan 

Glaucoma rehabilitation using electricAI transcranial stimulation (GREAT) - optimizing stimulation protocol for vision enhancement using an RCT
In: Translational Vision Science & Technology - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 13 (2024), Heft 9, Artikel 25, insges. 13 S.

Thompson, Benjamin;  Morrone, Maria Concetta;  Bex, Peter;  Lozama, Anthony;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Harnessing brain plasticity to improve binocular vision in amblyopia - an evidence-based update
In: European journal of ophthalmology - Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publishing, Bd. 34 (2024), Heft 4, S. 901-912

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.;  Daly, Timothy;  Türp, Jens Christoph;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kendall, Graham 

The undeclared use of third-party service providers in academic publishing is unethical - an epistemic reflection and scoping review
In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg\'s archives of pharmacology - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 397 (2024), Heft 12, S. 9435-9447


Gao, Ying;  He, Huiguang;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Enhanced long-range communication among large scale brain networks during the pre-microsaccadic period
In: IEEE EMBC 2024 conference proceedings / IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , 2024 - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, insges. 6 S.

Wissenschaftliche Monographie

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Fuhrer, Armin 

Fake-Mafia in der Wissenschaft - KI, Gier und Betrug in der Forschung
In: Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2024, 264 Seiten - (Kohlhammer Sachbuch), ISBN: 978-3-17-045557-3 [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 247-249]



Mei, Melinna X. L.;  Tsang, Lai Lin Celia;  Jacques, Theodore;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Leung, Christopher Kai-Shun;  Chan, Jonathan C. H.;  Thompson, Benjamin;  Cheong, Allen M. Y. 

A comparison of non-invasive brain stimulation protocols for enhancing visual function in glaucoma
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 64 (2023), Heft 8, Artikel 5516

Sohn, Ashley;  Ramos Cadena, Maria de los Angeles;  Lee, TingFang;  Hu, Jiyuan;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matayev, Rachel;  Livengood, Heather;  Wollstein, Gadi;  Schuman, Joel S. 

Effect of repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (rtACS) on vision-related quality of life (QoL) in subjects with glaucoma
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 64 (2023), Heft 8, Artikel 4351

Toyos, Allison;  Ramos Cadena, Maria de los Angeles;  Livengood, Heather;  Lee, TingFang;  Hu, Jiyuan;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matayev, Rachel;  Wollstein, Gadi;  Schuman, Joel S. 

The functional effect of repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (rtACS) in a double-masked randomized clinical trial
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 64 (2023), Heft 8, Artikel 2590

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Wu, Zheng;  Xu, Jiahua;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Global brain network modularity dynamics after local optic nerve damage following noninvasive brain stimulation - an EEG-tracking study
In: Cerebral cortex - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, Bd. 33 (2023), Heft 8, S. 4729-4739

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience - celebrating the 40th volume of an academic journal. Editorial
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 40 (2022), Heft 4-6, S. 209-215

Stockheim, Jessica;  Perrakis, Aristotelis;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Waschipky, Robert;  Croner, Roland 

RoCS - robotic curriculum for young surgeons
In: Journal of robotic surgery - London : Springer, Bd. 17 (2023), Heft 2, S. 495-507

Zhou, Wanshu;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vascular dysregulation in glaucoma - retinal vasoconstriction and normal neurovascular coupling in altitudinal visual field defects
In: The EPMA journal / European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine - London : BioMed Central, Bd. 14 (2023), Heft 1, S. 87-99



Wu, Zheng;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Deep learning of brain spacetime to predict outcome of vision restoration therapy using non-invasive brain stimulation
In: FENS Forum - FENS . - 2022, Artikel S04-576 [Forum: FENS Forum 2022, Paris, France, 09-13.07.2022]

Zhou, Wanshu;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Retinal vascular dysregulation in altitudinal visual field defects in glaucoma
In: FENS Forum - FENS, 2022 . - 2022

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Xu, Jiahua;  Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel;  Rossini, Paolo Maria;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Antal, Andrea;  He, Huiguang;  Gao, Ying;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Adaptive and maladaptive brain functional network reorganization after stroke in hemianopia patients - an electroencephalogram-tracking study
In: Brain Connectivity - New Rochelle, NY : Liebert, Bd. 12 (2022), Heft 8, S. 725-739

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Levi, Dennis M. 

Movie therapy for children with amblyopia - restoring binocular vision with brain plasticity
In: Science China / Life sciences - Beijing : Science China Press, Bd. 65 (2022), Heft 3, S. 654-656

Tawfik, Mohamed;  Chen, Fang;  Goldberg, Jeffrey L.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Nanomedicine and drug delivery to the retina - current status and implications for gene therapy
In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg\'s archives of pharmacology - Berlin: Springer, 1873, Bd. 395 (2022), 12, S. 1477-1507

Räty, Silja;  Ruuth, Riikka;  Silvennoinen, Katri;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Vanni, Simo 

Resting-state functional connectivity after occipital stroke
In: Neurorehabilitation and neural repair - Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage, Bd. 36 (2022), Heft 2, S. 151-163


Zhang, Enqi;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Kinetics of polymeric nanoparticulate carriers and cargo under physiological and pathological conditions in the retina
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (XIII, 126 Seiten, 4,31 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 97-119]

Xu, Jiahua;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Noninvasive brain stimulation and visual field decoding for vision recovery in patients with occipital brain damage
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 126 Seiten, 26,41 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-124][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-124]

Nicht begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Huber, Frank 

Perspektiven für die Erholung von Sehverlusten
In: Diabetika - Mainz: Kirchheim + Co. GmbH . - 2022, 1, S. 1-3



Livengood, Heather;  Wollstein, Gadi;  Ishikawa, Hiroshi;  Wu, Mengfei;  Liu, Mengling;  Achanta, Priya;  Al-Aswad, Lama A.;  Panarelli, Joseph F.;  Misra, Poonam;  Do, Anna;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Schuman, Joel S. 

Preliminary results of repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation in optic neuropathies
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 62 (2021), Heft 8, Artikel 3532, insges. 2 S.

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kresinsky, Anton;  Cárdenas-Morales, Lizbeth Karina;  Haueisen, Jens;  Hunold, Alexander;  Dannhauer, Moritz;  Antal, Andrea 

Evaluating current density modeling of non-invasive eye and brain electrical stimulation using phosphene thresholds
In: IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE, 2001, Bd. 29 (2021), S. 2133-2141

Zhang, Enqi;  Osipova, Nadezhda;  Sokolov, Maxim;  Maksimenko, Olga;  Semyonkin, Aleksey;  Wang, MinHui;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Gelperina, Svetlana;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra 

Exploring the systemic delivery of a poorly water-soluble model drug to the retina using PLGA nanoparticles
In: European journal of pharmaceutical sciences: official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences - New York, NY [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 164 (2021)

Zhukova, Vasilisa;  Osipova, Nadezhda;  Semyonkin, Aleksey;  Malinovskaya, Julia;  Melnikov, Pavel;  Valikhov, Marat;  Porozov, Yuri;  Solovev, Yaroslav;  Kuliaev, Pavel;  Zhang, Enqi;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Chekhonin, Vladimir;  Abakumov, Maxim;  Majouga, Alexander;  Kreuter, Jörg;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Gelperina, Svetlana;  Maksimenko, Olga 

Fluorescently labeled PLGA nanoparticles for visualization in vitro and in vivo - the importance of dye properties
In: Pharmaceutics - Basel: MDPI, 2009, Bd. 13 (2021), 8, insges. 28 S.

Tawfik, Mohamed;  Zhang, Xiwei;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Heiduschka, Peter;  Hintz, Werner;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Wachem, Berend;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Gene therapy with caspase-3 small interfering RNA-nanoparticles is neuroprotective after optic nerve damage
In: Neural regeneration research: NRR - Mumbai: Wolters Kluwer Health Medknow, 2006, Bd. 16 (2021), 12, S. 2534-2541

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Seifert, Roland 

How criminal science publishing gangs damage the genesis of knowledge and technology - a call to action to restore trust
In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg\'s archives of pharmacology - Berlin: Springer, 1873, Bd. 394 (2021), 11, S. 2147-2151

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Lehnigk, Luisa 

Is mental stress the primary cause of glaucoma? - Ist Stress die primäre Ursache von Glaukom?
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart : Thieme, Bd. 238 (2021), Heft 2, S. 132-144

Tawfik, Mohamed;  Hadlak, Steffen;  Götze, Christian;  Sokolov, Maxim;  Kulikov, Pavel;  Kuskov, Andrey;  Štil'man, Michail Isaakovič;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra 

Live in-vivo neuroimaging reveals the transport of lipophilic cargo through the blood-retina barrier with modified amphiphilic poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone nanoparticles
In: Journal of biomedical nanotechnology - Valencia, Calif.: American Scientific Publ., Bd. 17 (2021), 5, S. 846-858

You, Qing;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Nanoparticles as a tool to deliver drugs to the retina and brain - an update
In: Neural regeneration research - Mumbai : Wolters Kluwer Health Medknow, Bd. 16 (2021), Heft 2, S. 283-284

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Zhou, Wanshu;  Huber, Frank;  Schmidt, Florentina;  Sabel, Kornelia;  Gonschorek, Andreas;  Bilc, Mirela 

Non-invasive brain microcurrent stimulation therapy of long-COVID-19 reduces vascular dysregulation and improves visual and cognitive impairment
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1989, Bd. 39 (2021), 6, S. 393-408

Räty, Silja;  Borrmann, Carolin;  Granata, Giuseppe;  Cárdenas-Morales, Lizbeth Karina;  Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel;  Sailer, Michael;  Silvennoinen, Katri;  Holopainen, Juha;  De Rossi, Francesca;  Antal, Andrea;  Rossini, Paolo M.;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Non-invasive electrical brain stimulation for vision restoration after stroke - an exploratory randomized trial (REVIS)
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1989, Bd. 39 (2021), 3, S. 221-235

Liu, Sinan;  Zhao, Bingyang;  Shi, Chaoqun;  Ma, Xuying;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Chen, Xiping;  Tao, Luyang 

Ocular dominance and functional asymmetry in visual attention networks
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md.: ARVO, 1977, Bd. 62 (2021), 4, insges. 16 S.

Xu, Jiahua;  Wu, Zheng;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Reorganization of brain functional connectivity network and vision restoration following combined tACS-tDCS treatment after occipital stroke
In: Frontiers in neurology - Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, Bd. 12 (2021), Artikel 729703, insges. 20 S.

Wu, Zheng;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Spacetime in the brain - rapid brain network reorganization in visual processing and recovery
In: Scientific reports - [London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, Bd. 11 (2021), Artikel 17940, insges. 12 S.

Bilc, Mirela;  Söchting, Friederike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The patient behind the eye - a meta-organ systems perspective of low vision and the dawn of holistic ophthalmology
In: Frontiers in opthalmology - Wilmington, Delaware: Global Science Library, 2021, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 4 S.


Xu, Jiahua;  Wu, Zheng;  Nürnberger, Andreas;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Interhemispheric cortical network connectivity reorganization predicts vision impairment in stroke
In: 43rd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) , 2021 - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, S. 836-840 [Konferenz: 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, EMBC, virtual conference, October 31 - November 4, 2021]


Tawfik, Mohamed;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Nanoparticles delivery to the central nervous system in-vivo - PVP nanoparticles for brain drug delivery and neuroprotection with siRNA-caspase-3
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften 2021, 104 Blätter [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 81-103][Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 81-103]

Nicht begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Blind vor Angst - Wie Patienten dabei unterstützt werden können, besser mit der Diagnose "Seheinschränkung/Blindheit" umzugehen
In: Fachmagazin für Komplementär-Medizin - Kulmbach: Mediengruppe Oberfranken, Bd. 27 (2021), 3, S. 46-50

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Seifert, Roland 

Globaler Angriff auf die Integrität der Wissenschaft - Aufruf zum Kampf gegen Agenturen für Forschungsfälschung"
In: Forschung & Lehre: alles was die Wissenschaft bewegt / hrsg. im Auftr. des Präsidiums des Deutschen Hochschulverbandes - Bonn: Dt. Hochschulverb., Bd. 28 (2021), 11, S. 918-920

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Reizstromtherapie bei glaukomatöser Optikusatrophie
In: Ophthalmologische Nachrichten: Zeitung für die Augenheilkunde - Köln: Biermann . - 2021, 1, S. 10-11


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Groleau, Marianne;  Nazari-Ahangarkolaee, Mojtaba;  Vanni, Matthieu P.;  Higgins, Jacqueline l.;  Bédard, Anne-Sophie Vézina;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Mohajerani, Majid H.;  Vaucher, Elvire 

Mesoscopic cortical network reorganization during recovery of optic nerve injury in GCaMP6s mice
In: Scientific reports - [London]: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2011, Vol. 10.2020, 21472, insgesamt 13 Seiten

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Wang, Jiaqi;  Fähse, Sarah;  Cárdenas-Morales, Lizbeth Karina;  Antal, Andrea 

Personality and stress influence vision restoration and recovery in glaucoma and optic neuropathy following alternating current stimulation - implications for personalized neuromodulation and rehabilitation
In: The EPMA journal/ European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine - London: BioMed Central, 2010, Bd. 11 (2020), 2, S. 177-196

Zhang, Enqi;  Zhukova, Vasilisa;  Semyonkin, Aleksey;  Osipova, Nadezhda;  Malinovskaya, Yulia;  Maksimenko, Olga;  Chernikov, Valery;  Sokolov, Maxim;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gelperina, Svetlana;  Henrich-Noack, Petra 

Release kinetics of fluorescent dyes from PLGA nanoparticles in retinal blood vessels - in vivo monitoring and ex vivo localization
In: European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics - New York, NY [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 150 (2020), S. 131-142

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Antal, Andrea 

Reply to "The role of primary visual cortex after transorbital alternating current stimulation in low vision patients"
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1999, Bd. 131.2020, 9, S. 2329-2330

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Richard, Gisbert 

Retinal prosthesis and "bionic eyes" for vision restoration in the blind - From dawn to dusk. Editorial
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 131 (2020), Heft 6, S. 1375-1378

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gao, Ying;  Antal, Andrea 

Reversibility of visual field defects through induction of brain plasticity - vision restoration, recovery and rehabilitation using alternating current stimulation
In: Neural regeneration research - Mumbai : Wolters Kluwer Health Medknow, Bd. 15 (2020), Heft 10, S. 1799-1806

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Abd Hamid, Aini Ismafairus Binti;  Borrmann, Carolin;  Speck, Oliver;  Antal, Andrea 

Transorbital alternating current stimulation modifies BOLD activity in healthy subjects and in a stroke patient with hemianopia - a 7 Tesla fMRI feasibility study
In: International journal of psychophysiology: official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 154.2020, S. 80-92

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Thut, Gregor;  Haueisen, Jens;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Herrmann, Christoph S.;  Hunold, Alexander;  Kammer, Thomas;  Matteo, Barbara;  Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Waleszczyk, Wioletta;  Antal, Andrea 

Vision modulation, plasticity and restoration using non-invasive brain stimulation - an IFCN-sponsored review
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 131 (2020), 4, S. 887-911


You, Qing;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The role of physicochemical parameters on polybutylcyanoacrylate nanoparticles' delivery to the central nervous system
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften 2020, IV, 79 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 69-78][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 69-78]


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

You, Qing;  Sokolov, Maxim;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Hintz, Werner;  Wachem, Berend;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

How nanoparticle physicochemical parameters affect drug delivery to cells in the retina via systemic interactions
In: Molecular pharmaceutics - Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2004, Bd. 16.2019, 12, S. 5068-5075

Antal, Andrea;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Low vision - rescue, regeneration, restoration and rehabilitation. Editorial
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 37.2019, 6, S. 523-524

You, Qing;  Hopf, Talea;  Hintz, Werner;  Rannabauer, Stefan;  Voigt, Nadine;  Wachem, Berend;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Major effects on blood-retina barrier passage by minor alterations in design of polybutylcyanoacrylate nanoparticles
In: Journal of drug targeting - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 27 (2019), Heft 3, S. 338-346

Bikson, Marom;  Esmaeilpour, Zeinab;  Adair, Devin;  Kronberg, Greg;  Tyler, William J.;  Antal, Andrea;  Datta, Abhishek;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Nitsche, Michael;  Loo, Colleen;  Edwards, Dylan;  Ekhtiari, Hamed;  Knotkova, Helena;  Woods, Adam J.;  Hampstead, Benjamin M.;  Badran, Bashar W.;  Peterchev, Angel V. 

Transcranial electrical stimulation nomenclature
In: Brain stimulation - New York, NY [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 12.2019, 6, S. 1349-1366

Nicht begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Antal, Andrea;  Sabel, Kornelia 

Die ganzheitliche Behandlung von Glaukom und anderen Sehverlusten - Komplementär, individualisiert und evidenzbasiert
In: Natur-Heilkunde-Journal: Medizin, Praxis, Wissenschaft - Kulmbach: Mediengruppe Oberfranken, Bd. 21.2019, 10, S. 4-8

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Fähse, Sarah 

Glaukom - Meditieren senkt den Augeninnendruck
In: Das ZAEN-Magazin/ Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin - Freudenstadt: ZAEN plus, 2009, Bd. 11.2019, 4, S. 33-37

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Ursachen von Sehbehinderung jenseits der Augen
In: Horus: Marburger Beiträge zur Integration Blinder und Sehbehinderter - Marburg, 1990 . - 2019, 2, insges. 2 S.


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Zhang, Xiwei;  Zhang, Enqi;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Hintz, Werner;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Antiapoptosis function of PBCA nanoparticles containing caspase3 siRNA for neuronal protection
In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : CIT - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verl., Bd. 90.2018, 4, S. 451-455

Khalid, Muhammad Kamran;  Asad, Muhammad;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sokolov, Maxim;  Hintz, Werner;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Zhang, Enqi;  Dityatev, Alexander;  Wachem, Berend;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Evaluation of toxicity and neural uptake in vitro and in vivo of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
In: International journal of molecular sciences - Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International - Vol. 19.2018, 9, Art. 2613, insgesamt 14 S.

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Wang, Jiaqi;  Cárdenas-Morales, Lizbeth;  Faiq, Muneeb;  Heim, Christine 

Mental stress as consequence and cause of vision loss - the dawn of psychosomatic ophthalmology for preventive and personalized medicine
In: The EPMA journal: international reviews in predictive, preventive and personalised medicine ; the official journal of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine/ European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine - London: BioMed Central, 2010, Bd. 9.2018, 2, S. 133-160

Dada, Tanuj;  Mittal, Deepti;  Mohanty, Kuldeep;  Faiq, Muneeb A.;  Bhat, Muzaffer A.;  Yadav, Raj K.;  Sihota, Ramanjit;  Sidhu, Talvir;  Velpandian, Thirumurthy;  Kalaivani, Mani;  Pandey, Ravindra M.;  Gao, Ying;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Dada, Rima 

Mindfulness meditation reduces intraocular pressure, lowers stress biomarkers and modulates gene expression in glaucoma - a randomized controlled trial
In: Journal of glaucoma - Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Bd. 27.2018, 12, S. 1061-1067

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Flammer, Josef;  Merabet, Lotfi B. 

Residual vision activation and the brain-eye-vascular triad - dysregulation, plasticity and restoration in low vision and blindness : a review
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 36.2018, 6, S. 767-791

Gao, Ying;  Huber, Carl;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Stable microsaccades and microsaccade-induced global alpha band phase reset across the life span
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science : IOVS : official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology - Rockville, Md : ARVO, Bd. 59.2018, 5, S. 2032-2041

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Cárdenas-Morales, Lizbeth Karina;  Gao, Ying 

Vision restoration in glaucoma by activating residual vision with a holistic, clinical approach - a review. Editorial
In: Journal of current glaucoma practice - New Delhi [u.a.] : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Private Limited, Bd. 12.2018, 1, S. 1-9

Lu, Qilin;  Wang, Xiaoxiao;  Li, Lin;  Qiu, Bensheng;  Wei, Shihui;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Zhou, Yifeng 

Visual rehabilitation training alters attentional networks in hemianopia - an fMRI study
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 129.2018, 9, S. 1832-1841


Voigt, Nadine;  Wachem, Berend;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Evaluierung pharmakokinetischer und toxikologischer Determinaten von Nanopartikeln mittels in vivo Neuroimaging
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik 2018, XIV, 111 Blätter, Illustrationen, Diagramme, 30 cm [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 87-96]

Zhang, Xiwei;  Wachem, Berend;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

In vitro and in vivo caspase-3 knock down by poly (butyl cyanoacrylate) nanaoparticle-based RNA interference
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik 2018, ix, 95 Blätter, Illustrationen, Diagramme, 30 cm [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 78-88]

Gao, Ying;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Microsaccades in normal vision and in hemianopia after stroke
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften 2018, 105 Blätter [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 88-97][Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 88-97]

Wissenschaftliche Monographie

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Will, Karin 

Wieder sehen - wie Sie Ihr Restsehen aktivieren und besser mit einer Sehstörung leben lernen
In: [Berlin]: Bernhard A. Sabel, 2018, [1. Auflage], xiv, 259 Seiten, Illustrationen (teilweise farbig), 28 cm[Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 247-253]



Groleau, Marianne;  Nazariahangarkolaee, Motjaba;  Vanni, Matthieu P.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Mohajerani, Majid H.;  Vaucher, Elvire 

Longitudinal mapping of visual cortical network following partial optic nerve injury
In: Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism: official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1981, Bd. 37.2017, Suppl. 1, PS04-025, S. 325-326

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Chamoun, Mira;  Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Jia, Shaobo;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Ma, Jing;  You, Qing;  Huppé-Gourgues, Frédéric;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Vaucher, Elvire 

Cholinergic potentiation of restoration of visual function after optic nerve damage in rats
In: Neural plasticity - New York, NY: Hindawi, 1998, 2017, Art. ID 6928489, insges. 10 S.

Alber, Raimund;  Moser, Hermann;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Combined transcranial direct current stimulation and vision restoration training in subacute stroke rehabilitation - a pilot study
In: PM&R - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, Bd. 9 (2017), 8, S. 787-794

Brösel, Doreen;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Franke, Gabriele H.;  Gall, Carolin 

Das 2-Skalen-Modell des National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) zur Erfassung der sehbezogenen Lebensqualität - The 2-Scale Model of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) to assess vision-related quality of life
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart: Thieme, Bd. 234 (2017), 5, S. 719-725

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Eber, Torben;  You, Qing;  Voigt, Nadine;  Köhler, Jürgen;  Wagner, Sebastian;  Lazik, Stefanie;  Mawrin, Christian;  Xu, Guihua;  Biswas, Sayantan;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Leung, Christopher Kai-Shun 

Electrical brain stimulation induces dendritic stripping but improves survival of silent neurons after optic nerve damage
In: Scientific reports - [London]: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2011, Bd. 7.2017, Art.-Nr. 627, insges. 13 S.

Gao, Ying;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Microsaccade dysfunction and adaptation in hemianopia after stroke
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 35 (2017), 4, S. 365-376

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Non-invasive electrical brain stimulation - from acute to late-stage treatment of central nervous system damage
In: Neural regeneration research - Mumbai: Wolters Kluwer Health Medknow, 2006, Bd. 12 (2017), 10, S. 1590-1594

Paramei, Galina V.;  Favrod, Ophélie;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Herzog, Michael H. 

Pathological completion in the intact visual field of hemianopia patients
In: Visual cognition - London [u.a.]: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 25 (2017), 1/3, S. 169-183

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Sind Gesichtsfelddefekte doch reversibel? - Visuelle Rehabilitation mit Gehirn
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart: Thieme, Bd. 234 (2017), 2, S. 194-204


Zhang, Xiewai;  Zhang, EQ.;  Grigartzik, Lisa;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Hintz, Werner;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Caspase-3 silence sirna modified poly (butylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles for optic nerve protection
In: Produktgestaltung in der Partikeltechnologie : 8. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 22.-23. Juni 2017, Karlsruhe / Symposium Partikeltechnologie , 2017 - Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verlag , 2017 - 2017, insgesamt 19 Seiten [Symposium: 8. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 22. - 23. Juni 2017, Karlsruhe]



Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Reversibilität von Gesichtsfelddefekten nach Nervus opticus Schädigung durch Wechselstrombehandlung
In: Der Ophthalmologe: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft - Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verl., 1992, Bd. 113.2016, Suppl. 2, Abs. So05-04, Seite S66

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Gall, Carolin;  Schmidt, Sein;  Schittkowski, Michael Peter;  Antal, Andrea;  Ambrus, Géza Gergely;  Paulus, Walter;  Dannhauer, Moritz;  Michalik, Romualda;  Mante, Alf;  Bola, Michal;  Lux, Anke;  Kropf, Siegfried;  Brandt, Stephan A.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Alternating current stimulation for vision restoration after optic nerve damage - A randomized clinical trial
In: PLOS ONE - San Francisco, California, US: PLOS, 2006, Bd. 11 (2016), 6, Art.-Nr. e0156134, insges. 19 S.

Hall, Andrew M.;  Hemmer, Ruth;  Spaulding, Robert;  Wetzel, Hanna N.;  Curcio, Joseph;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Pixley, Sarah;  Hopkins, Tracy;  Boyce, Richard L.;  Schultheis, Patrick J.;  Haik, Kristi L. 

Cytotoxicity and apoptotic gene expression in an in vitro model of the bloodbrain barrier following exposure to poly(butylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles
In: Journal of drug targeting - Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 24 (2016), 7, S. 635-644

Hou, Ruowu;  Zhang, Zheng;  Yang, Diya;  Wang, Huaizhou;  Chen, Weiwei;  Li, Zhen;  Sang, Jinghong;  Liu, Sumeng;  Cao, Yiwen;  Xie, Xiaobin;  Ren, Ruojin;  Zhang, Yazhuo;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Wang, Ningli 

Intracranial pressure (ICP) and optic nerve subarachnoid space pressure (ONSP) correlation in the optic nerve chamber - the Beijing intracranial and intraocular pressure (iCOP) study
In: Brain research: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences - Amsterdam: Elsevier, Bd. 1635 (2016), S. 201-208

Hou, Ruowu;  Zhang, Zheng;  Yang, Diya;  Wang, Huaizhou;  Chen, Weiwei;  Li, Zhen;  Sang, Jinghong;  Liu, Sumeng;  Cao, Yiwen;  Xie, Xiaobin;  Ren, Ruojing;  Zhang, Yazhuo;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Wang, Ningli 

Pressure balance and imbalance in the optic nerve chamber - the Beijing intracranial and intraocular pressure (iCOP) study
In: Science China / Life sciences - Beijing: Science China Press, 2010, Bd. 59 (2016), 5, S. 495-503

Wang, Jieqiong;  Li, Ting;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Chen, Zhiqiang;  Wen, Hongwei;  Li, Jianhong;  Xie, Xiaobin;  Yang, Diya;  Chen, Weiwei;  Wang, Ningli;  Xian, Junfang;  He, Huiguang 

Structural brain alterations in primary open angle glaucoma - a 3T MRI study
In: Scientific reports - [London]: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2011, Bd. 6.2016, Art.-Nr. 18969, insges. 9 S.

Wissenschaftliche Monographie

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Restoring low vision - How to strengthen your potentials in low vision and blindness
In: Berlin: Sabel, Bernhard A., Prof, 2016, 1st Edition, xvii, 241 Seiten, 59 Illustrationen


Artikel in Kongressband

Hopf, Talea;  Kockentiedt, Sarah;  Hintz, Werner;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Development and characterization of surface modified nanoparticle formulations in terms of size and surface properties
In: 8th International Conference on Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids (CHOPS 2015) - Tel-Aviv, 2015, 2015, Art. 082, insgesamt 13 S.[Beitrag auf USB-Stick]

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Poggel, Dorothe;  Treutwein, Bernhard;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Strasburger, Hans 

A matter of time - improvement of visual temporal processing during training-induced restoration of light detection performance
In: Frontiers in psychology - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2008, Bd. 6.2015, Art. 22, insges. 12 S.

Wang, Jieqiong;  Miao, Wen;  Li, Jing;  Li, Meng;  Zhen, Zonglei;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Xian, Junfang;  He, Huiguang 

Automatic segmentation of the lateral geniculate nucleus - Application to control and glaucoma patients
In: Journal of neuroscience methods - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1979, Bd. 255.2015, S. 104-114

Miao, Wen;  Man, Fengyuan;  Wu, Shaoqin;  Lv, Bin;  Wang, Zhenchang;  Xian, Junfang;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  He, Huiguang;  Jiao, Yonghong 

Brain abnormalities in congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 1 - a multimodal MRI imaging study
In: PLOS ONE - San Francisco, California, US: PLOS, 2006, Vol. 10.2015, 7, Art. e0133473, insgesamt 11 S.

Liu, Yuanyuan;  Yan, Hua;  Chen, Song;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK enhances retinal ganglion cell survival and vision restoration after rabbit traumatic optic nerve injury
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1989, Bd. 33.2015, 2, S. 205-220

Bola, Michal;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Disturbed temporal dynamics of brain synchronization in vision loss
In: Cortex - Paris: Elsevier Masson, 1964, Bd. 67.2015, S. 134-146

Bola, Michal;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Dynamic reorganization of brain functional networks during cognition
In: NeuroImage - Orlando, Fla: Academic Press, 1993, Bd. 114.2015, S. 398-412

Abd Hamid, Aini Ismafairus Binti;  Gall, Carolin;  Speck, Oliver;  Antal, Andrea;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Effects of alternating current stimulation on the healthy and diseased brain
In: Frontiers in neuroscience - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, Vol. 9.2015, Art. 391, insgesamt 13 S.

Gall, Carolin;  Silvennoinen, Katri;  Granata, Giuseppe;  Rossi, Francesca;  Vecchio, Fabrizio;  Brösel, Doreen;  Bola, Michał;  Sailer, Michael;  Waleszczyk, Wioletta J.;  Rossini, Paolo M.;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Non-invasive electric current stimulation for restoration of vision after unilateral occipital stroke
In: Contemporary clinical trials: design, methods and analysis - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 2005, Bd. 43.2015, S. 231-236

Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Gorkin, Alexander G.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Preclinical model of transcorneal alternating current stimulation in freely moving rats
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 33 (2015), Heft 5, S. 761-769

Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Bola, Michal;  Wagner, Sebastian;  Lazik, Stefanie;  Voigt, Nadine;  Mawrin, Christian;  Gorkin, Alexander G.;  Waleszczyk, Wioletta J.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra 

Repetitive transcorneal alternating current stimulation reduces brain idling state after long-term vision loss
In: Brain stimulation: basic, translational, and clinical research in neuromodulation - New York, NY [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 8 (2015), 6, S. 1065-1073

Foik, Andrzej T.;  Kublik, Ewa;  Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Rossini, Paolo M.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Waleszczyk, Wioletta J. 

Retinal origin of electrically evoked potentials in response to transcorneal alternating current stimulation in the rat
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md: ARVO, 1977, Bd. 56.2015, 3, S. 1711-1718

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Sind Gesichtsfeld-Defekte doch reversibel? - Wechselstrom zur Re-Synchronisation von Hirnnetzwerken verbessert Gesichtsfeld-Defekte ; Update nach 110 Jahren
In: Ophthalmologische Nachrichten: Zeitung für die Augenheilkunde - Köln: Biermann, 1992 . - 2015, 7, S. 14-15

Dundon, Neil M.;  Bertini, Caterina;  Làdavas, Elisabetta;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gall, Carolin 

Visual rehabilitation - visual scanning, multisensory stimulation and vision restoration trainings
In: Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2007, Bd. 9.2015, Art.-Nr. 192, insges. 14 S.


Hopf, Talea;  Kockentiedt, Sarah;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Entwicklung Oberflächenmodifizierter Nanopartikel-Formulierungen zwecks Überwindung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke
In: Produktgestaltung in der Partikeltechnologie, Band 7: 7. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 23. - 24. April 2015, Fraunhofer-Forum, Berlin / Fraunhofer ICT ... Ulrich Teipel (Hrsg.): 7. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 23. - 24. April 2015, Fraunhofer-Forum, Berlin/ Teipel - Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verl., 2015; Teipel, Ulrich . - 2015, S. 345-367Kongress: Symposium Partikeltechnologie 7 (Berlin : 2015.04.23-24)


Bola, Michal;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Breakdown and restoration of brain synchronization in blindness
In: Magdeburg Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015, 115 S., graph. Darst.



Bola, Michal;  Gall, Carolin;  Moewes, Christian;  Fedorov, Anton;  Hinrichs, Hermann;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Functional connectivity network breakdown and restoration in blindness
In: Brain injury - London: Informa Healthcare, 1987, Bd. 28.2014, 5/6, Abs. 0666, S. 762

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Brösel, Doreen;  Krohn, Franziska;  Schlaug, Christiane;  Rossini, Paolo Maria;  Tatlisumak, Turgut;  Gall, Carolin 

REVIS-network - restoration of vision after stroke with non-invasive alternating current stimulation to improve visual impairment
In: Brain injury - London: Informa Healthcare, 1987, Bd. 28.2014, 5/6, Abs. 0670, S. 764

Bola, Michał;  Gall, Carolin;  Moewes, Christian;  Fedorov, Anton;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Transorbital alternating current stimulation strengthens oscillatory activity and functional connectivity in patients with visual system damage - a resting-state EEG study
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1999, Vol. 124.2013, 10, P 125, S. e124-e125

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision restoration after optic neuropathy using non-invasive alternating current stimulation
In: Brain injury - London: Informa Healthcare, 1987, Bd. 28.2014, 5/6, Abs. 0663, S. 761

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Bola, Michal;  Gall, Carolin;  Moewes, Christian;  Fedorov, Anton;  Hinrichs, Hermann;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Brain functional connectivity network breakdown and restoration in blindness
In: Neurology - Philadelphia, Pa: Wolters Kluwer, 1951, Bd. 83.2014, 6, S. 542-551

Sergeeva, Elena G.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Bola, Michał;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Brain-state-dependent non-invasive brain stimulation and functional priming - a hypothesis
In: Frontiers in human neuroscience - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, Bd. 8.2014, Art.-Nr. 899, insges. 2 S.

Voigt, Nadine;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Kockentiedt, Sarah;  Hintz, Werner;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Surfactants, not size or zeta-potential influence bloodbrain barrier passage of polymeric nanoparticles
In: European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics: EJPB ; official journal of the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology - New York, NY [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 87 (2014), 1, S. 19-29

Voigt, Nadine;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Kockentiedt, Sarah;  Hintz, Werner;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Toxicity of polymeric nanoparticles in vivo and in vitro
In: Journal of nanoparticle research: an interdisciplinary forum for nanoscale science and technology - Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 1999, Bd. 16.2014, Art. 2379, insgesamt 13 S.

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gudlin, Julia 

Vision restoration training for glaucoma - a randomized clinical trial
In: JAMA ophthalmology - Chicago, Ill.: American Medical Association, Bd. 132 (2014), 4, S. 381-389


Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Protektion und funktionelle Restitution nach ZNS Schädigung - die "Silent Survivor" Hypothese : [kumulative Habilitation]
In: Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Habil.-Schr., 2014, Getr. Zählung, Ill., graph. Darst.



Gall, Carolin;  Bola, Michal;  Fedorov, Anton;  Schmidt, Sein;  Michalik, Romualda;  Brandt, Stephan A.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

A two-center sham-controlled clinical trial of non-invasive alternating current stimulation in optic neuropathy - sinus pulses are less effective than square
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1999, Vol. 124.2013, 10, P 118, S. e120-e121

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Sergeeva, Elena;  Voigt, Nadine;  Wagner, Sebastian;  Lazik, Stefanie;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Influence of transorbital alternating current stimulation on post-traumatic neuronal morphology and death
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1999, Vol. 124.2013, 10, P 116, S. e119-e120

Mante, Alf;  Rönnefarth, Maria;  Bathe-Peters, Rouven;  Fleischmann, Robert;  Ambrus, Géza;  Gall, Carolin;  Fedorov, Anton;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Schmidt, Sein 

Repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (rtACS) alpha activity enhancement in patients with visual field deficits - a prospective, randomized, blinded, controlled, multicenter study
In: Clinical neurophysiology - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1999, Vol. 124.2013, 10, P 228, S. e174-e175

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Bola, Michal;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

"Sightblindʺ - perceptual deficits in the "intactʺ visual field
In: Frontiers in neurology - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2008, Bd. 4.2013, Art. 80, insges. 5 S.

Li, Wenjing;  Li, Jianhong;  Xian, Junfang;  Lv, Bin;  Li, Meng;  Wang, Chunheng;  Li, Yong;  Liu, Zhaohui;  Liu, Sha;  Wang, Zhenchang;  He, Huiguang;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Alterations of grey matter asymmetries in adolescents with prelingual deafness: A combined VBM and cortical thickness analysis
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 31 (2013), 1, S. 1-17

Gall, Carolin;  Steger, Benedikt;  Koehler, Juergen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Evaluation of two treatment outcome prediction models for restoration of visual fields in patients with postchiasmatic visual pathway lesions
In: Neuropsychologia: an international journal in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 51 (2013), 11, S. 2271-2280

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kruse, Rudolf;  Wolf, Fred;  Günther, Tobias 

Local topographic influences on vision restoration hot spots after brain damage
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 31 (2013), 6, S. 787-803

Gall, Carolin;  Antal, Andrea;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Non-invasive electrical brain stimulation induces vision restoration in patients with visual pathway damage
In: Graefe\'s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology: official organ of the Club Jules Gonin - Berlin: Springer, Bd. 251 (2013), 3, S. 1041-1043

Liu, Yue;  Miao, Wen;  Wang, Jieqiong;  Gao, Peiyi;  Yin, Guangheng;  Zhang, Liping;  Lv, Chuankai;  Ji, Zhiying;  Yu, Tong;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  He, Huiguang;  Peng, Yun 

Structural abnormalities in early Tourette syndrome children - A combined voxel-based morphometry and Tract-Based Spatial Statistics study
In: PLOS ONE - San Francisco, California, US: PLOS, Bd. 8.2013, 9, Art.-Nr. e76105, insges. 11 S.

Bola, Michal;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The second face of blindness - processing speed deficits in the intact visual field after pre- and post-chiasmatic lesions
In: PLOS ONE - San Francisco, California, US: PLOS, Bd. 8.2013, 5, Art. e63700, insges. 9 S.

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Lazik, Stefanie;  Sergeeva, Elena;  Wagner, Sebastian;  Voigt, Nadine;  Prilloff, Sylvia;  Fedorov, Anton;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Transcorneal alternating current stimulation after severe axon damage in rats results in "long-term silent survivorʺ neurons
In: Brain research bulletin / publ. by ANKHO International Inc. Fayetteville, New York - New York, NY: Elsevier, Bd. 95 (2013), S. 7-14

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Voigt, Nadine;  Prilloff, Sylvia;  Fedorov, Anton;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Transcorneal electrical stimulation alters morphology and survival of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve damage
In: Neuroscience letters - Amsterdam: Elsevier, Bd. 543 (2013), S. 1-6


Moewes, Christian;  Kruse, Rudolf;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Analysis of dynamic brain networks using VAR models
In: Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis - Berlin: Springer, 2013, Bd. 190.2013, S. 525-532 - (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 190)

Tschorn, Sarah;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Voigt, Nadine;  Hintz, Werner;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard 

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung verschiedener Nanopartikel-Formulierungen und Testung im Hinblick auf die Blut-Hirn-Schrankengängigkeit
In: Produktgestaltung in der Partikeltechnologie, Band 6: 6. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 13. und 14. Juni 2013, TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld / Fraunhofer ICT ... Ulrich Teipel (Hrsg.): 6. Symposium Partikeltechnologie, 13. und 14. Juni 2013, TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld - Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verl., 2013; Teipel, Ulrich . - 2013, insges. 23 S.Kongress: Symposium Partikeltechnologie 6 (Clausthal-Zellerfeld : 2013.06.13-14)



Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Shi, X. F. 

Visual restoration after retina and brain impairment
In: Ophthalmology update - Beijing: People\'s Military Medical Press . - 2012, S. 67-78

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Gall, Carolin;  Günther, Tobias;  Fuhrmans, Franziska;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Contralesional cross-over in chronic neglect: Visual search patterns reveal neglect of the ipsilesional hemispace
In: Neurorehabilitation: an interdisciplinary journal - Amsterdam [u.a.]: IOS Press, 1991, Bd. 31.2012, 2, S. 171-184

Shi, Xue-feng F.;  Xu, Li-min;  Li, Yao;  Wang, Ting;  Zhao, Kan-xing;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Fixational saccadic eye movements are altered in anisometropic amblyopia
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 30 (2012), 6, S. 445-462

Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Prilloff, Sylvia;  Voigt, Nadine;  Jin, Jing;  Hintz, Werner;  Tomas, Jürgen;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

In vivo visualisation of nanoparticle entry into central nervous system tissue
In: Archives of toxicology / hrsg. von der Deutschen Pharmakologischen Gesellschaft unter Mitw. der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin - Berlin: Springer, 1974, Bd. 86.2012, 7, S. 1099-1105

Li, M.;  He, H.G.;  Shi, W.;  Li, J.;  Lv, B.;  Wang, C.H.;  Miao, Q.W.;  Wang, Z.C.;  Wang, N.L.;  Walter, Martin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Quantification of the human lateral geniculate nucleus in vivo using MR imaging based on morphometry: volume loss with age
In: American journal of neuroradiology - Oak Brook, Ill. : American Society of Neuroradiology, Bd. 33 (2012), Heft 5, S. 915-921

Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Reading performance after vision rehabilitation of subjects with homonymous visual field defects
In: PM&R - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, Bd. 4 (2012), 12, S. 928-935

Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe

Held, Pascal;  Moewes, Christian;  Braune, Christian;  Kruse, Rudolf;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Advanced analysis of dynamic graphs in social and neural networks
In: Towards advanced data analysis by combining soft computing and statistics / Christian Borgelt (ed.) ... - Berlin: Springer, 2013 . - 2012, S. 205-222



Moewes, Christian;  Bola, Michal;  Sabel, Bernhard;  Kruse, Rudolf 

Brain connectivity associated with different damages of the visual system
In: Causal graphs: linking brain structure to function ; NIPS 2011 satellite meeting ; Dec 11, 2011, Granada - Granada, 2011 . - 2011


Prilloff, Sylvia;  Sabel, Bernhard 

The role of activating residual neurons in recovery of vision after partial optic nerve damage: in vivo observations in rats
In: Zugl.: Magdeburg Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2011: Aachen: Shaker, X, 77 S., Ill., graph. Darst., 21 cm, ISBN 978-3-8440-0106-8[Sprache der Zusammenfassung: Deutsch]


Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

1. ÄP Medizinische Psychologie, medizinische Soziologie
In: New York: Thieme, 2011, XXIII, 412 Seiten - (Schwarze Reihe), ISBN: 978-3-13-114927-5

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Fedorov, Anton B.;  Naue, Nicole;  Borrmann, Antonia;  Herrmann, Christoph S.;  Gall, Carolin 

Non-invasive alternating current stimulation improves vision in optic neuropathy
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1989, Bd. 29.2011, 6, S. 493-505

Fedorov, Anton;  Jobke, Sandra;  Bersnev, Valery;  Chibisova, Alexandra;  Chibisova, Yulia;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Restoration of vision after optic nerve lesions with noninvasive transorbital alternating current stimulation: a clinical observational study
In: Brain stimulation: basic, translational, and clinical research in neuromodulation - New York, NY: Elsevier, 2008, Bd. 4.2011, 4, S. 189-201

Hoffmann, Maria;  Gall, Carolin;  Kaufmann, Christian;  Fydrich, Thomas;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Spatially specific and non-lateralised attention deficits in patients with perceptual and premotor neglect
In: Neurorehabilitation: an interdisciplinary journal - Amsterdam [u.a.]: IOS Press, 1991, Bd. 28.2011, 2, S. 129-142

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

Wagenbreth, Caroline;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Tönnies, Sven;  Gall, Carolin 

Das neuroophthalmologische Supplement des NEI-VFQ: Teststatistische Überprüfung und Validierung an einer Stichprobe prä- und postchiasmatisch geschädigter Patienten
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart: Thieme, 1863, Bd. 228.2011, 11, S. 971-978

Schmicker, Marlen;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gall, Carolin 

Nicht-invasive Hirnstimulation: Neuromodulation durch transkranielle elektrische Stimulation und deren Wirkung auf neuropsychologische Erkrankungen
In: Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie - Bern: Hogrefe AG, 1990, Bd. 22.2011, 4, S. 285-301

Rygus, Josephine;  Gall, Carolin;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Selbsteingeschätzte Alkoholtoleranz durch den Magdeburger Alkoholtoleranztest für Jugendliche (J-MATT)
In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie (DGMP) - Heidelberg: Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka, 1992, Bd. 20.2011, 3, S. 118-129

Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Fedorov, Anton;  Gall, Carolin 

Vision restoration after brain and retina damage - The "residual vision activation theory"
In: Enhancing performance for action and perception: multisensory integration, neuroplasticity and neuroprosthetics ; Pt. 2 - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 2011; Green, Andrea M. Pt. 2 . - 2011, S. 199-262



Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Roschinski, Adelheid 

Sekundäre Traumatisierung - Berufsrisiko der Helfer
In: Sekundäre Traumatisierung als Berufsrisiko?: Konfrontation mit schweren Schicksalen anderer Menschen - Magdeburg . - 2010, S. 35-46


Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision- and health-related quality of life in patients with visual field impairments after lesions to the central visual pathway
In: Zugl.: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010: Aachen: Shaker, 1. Aufl., 132 S., graph. Darst., 21 cm, 201 gr. - (Berichte aus der Psychologie)


Sabel, Bernhard 

Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 2010
In: unter URL:, 2010

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Prilloff, Sylvia;  Henrich-Noack, Petra;  Kropf, Siegfried;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Experience-dependent plasticity and vision restoration in rats after optic nerve crush
In: Journal of neurotrauma: the journal of the National Neurotrauma Society and the International Neurotrauma Society - Larchmont, NY: Liebert, Bd. 27 (2010), 12, S. 2295-2307

Fedorov, Anton;  Chibisova, Yulia;  Szymaszek, Aneta;  Alexandrov, Mikhail;  Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Non-invasive alternating current stimulation induces recovery from stroke
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 28 (2010), 6, S. 825-833

Gall, Carolin;  Wagenbreth, Caroline;  Sgorzaly, Susann;  Franke, Gabriele Helga;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Parafoveal vision impairments and their influence on reading performance and self-evaluated reading abilities
In: Graefe\'s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 248 (2010), Heft 6, S. 863-875

Gall, Carolin;  Wagenbreth, Caroline;  Sgorzaly, Susann;  Franke, Gabriele Helga;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Parafoveal vision impairments and their influence on reading performance and self-evaluated reading abilities
In: Graefe\'s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology: official organ of the Club Jules Gonin - Berlin: Springer, Bd. 248 (2010), 6, S. 863-875

Gall, Carolin;  Fedorov, Anton B.;  Ernst, Lisa;  Borrmann, Antonia;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation in optic neuropathy
In: Neurorehabilitation: an interdisciplinary journal - Amsterdam [u.a.]: IOS Press, Bd. 27 (2010), 4, S. 335-341

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matzke, Steffi;  Prilloff, Sylvia 

Special issues in brain plasticity, repair and rehabilitation: 20 years of a publishing strategy
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 28 (2010), 6, S. 719-728

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

Wagenbreth, Caroline;  Franke, Gabriele Helga;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Gall, Carolin 

Beeinträchtigung der seh- und gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität bei Schlaganfallpatienten mit homonymen Gesichtsfelddefekten in Abhängigkeit von der Schwere des visuellen Funktionsverlustes
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart: Thieme, Bd. 227 (2010), 2, S. 138-148



Sabel, Bernhard 

Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 2009
In: unter URL:, 2009


Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

1. ÄP Medizinische Psychologie, medizinische Soziologie - [mit vielen klinischen Bezügen ; Stand Examen Frühjahr 2009 ]
In: Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme, 2009, XXIII, 414 Seiten, Illustrationen, 240 mm x 170 mm - (Schwarze Reihe)

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Günther, Tobias;  Müller, Iris;  Preuss, Markus;  Kruse, Rudolf;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

A treatment outcome prediction model of visual field recovery using self-organizing maps
In: IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 56 (2009), Heft 3, S. 572-581

Schadow, Jeanette;  Dettler, Nicole;  Paramei, Galina V.;  Lenz, Daniel;  Fründ, Ingo;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Herrmann, Christoph S. 

Impairments of Gestalt perception in the intact hemifield of hemianopic patients are reflected in gamma-band EEG activity
In: Neuropsychologia - Oxford : Elsevier Science, Bd. 47 (2009), Heft 2, S. 556-568

Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Schulte, Tilman;  Kasten, Erich;  Poggel, Dorothe;  Müller, Iris;  Wüstenberg, Torsten;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Parallel interhemispheric processing in hemineglect: relation to visual field defects
In: Neuropsychologia - Oxford : Elsevier Science, Bd. 47 (2009), Heft 12, S. 2397-2408

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matzke, Steffi;  Prilloff, Sylvia 

Publishing in the field of brain plasticity, repair and rehabilitation: the 20th anniversary issue of Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 27 (2009), Heft 6, S. 579-587

Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The plasticity potential of residual vision after brain damage
In: International NeuroTrauma Letter - Houston, Tex. : HDI Publ. - 2009, 1, insges. 3 S.

Jobke, Sandra;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision restoration through extrastriate stimulation in patients with visual field defects: a double-blind and randomized experimental study
In: Neurorehabilitation and neural repair: the official journal of the American Society of Neurorehabilitation ... - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1999, Bd. 23.2009, 3, S. 246-255

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

Gall, Carolin;  Geier, Jens-Stefan;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kasten, Erich 

Beeinflusst Musik die visuelle Wahrnehmung in der kampimetrischen Gesichtsfeldprüfung? - Does music influence visual perception in campimetric measurements of the visual field?
In: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, Bd. 59 (2009), Heft 1, S. 31-37

Gall, Carolin;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Müller, Iris 

Vorhersage der Stabilität verbesserter visueller Funktionsfähigkeit nach Gesichtsfeldtraining - Predicting stability of improved visual functioning after visual field training
In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie - Heidelberg : Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka, Bd. 18 (2009), Heft 2, S. 51-62



Pasley, Imelda;  Jobke, Sandra;  Gudlin, Julia;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Application of neural plasticity for vision restoration after brain damage
In: Neuroengineering / edited by Daniel J. DiLorenzo, Joseph D. Bronzino - Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2008; DiLorenzo, Daniel J., 2008, S. 23-1 - 23-23


Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

1. ÄP: Medizinische Psychologie, medizinische Soziologie - [mit vielen klinischen Bezügen ; Stand Examen Herbst 2007]
In: Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme, 2008, 15. Aufl., XX, 430 Seiten, Illustrationen, 240 mm x 170 mm - (Schwarze Reihe)

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Schneider, Thomas;  Becker, Andreas;  Ringe, Kerstin;  Reinhold, Annegret;  Firsching, Raimund;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Brain tumor therapy by combined vaccination and antisense oligonucleotide delivery with nanoparticles
In: Journal of neuroimmunology - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 195 (2008), Heft 1/2, S. 21-27

Gudlin, Julia;  Müller, Iris;  Thanos, Solon;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Computer based vision restoration therapy in glaucoma patients: a small open pilot study
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 26 (2008), Heft 4/5, S. 403-412

Paramei, Galina V.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Contour-integration deficits on the intact side of the visual field in hemianopia patients
In: Behavioural brain research - Amsterdam ˜[u.a.]œ : Elsevier, Bd. 188 (2008), Heft 1, S. 109-124

Kasten, Erich;  Günther, Tobias;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Inverse stimuli in perimetric performance reveal larger visual field defects: implications for vision restoration
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 26 (2008), Heft 4/5, S. 355-364

Müller, Iris;  Gall, Carolin;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Long-term learning of visual functions in patients after brain damage
In: Behavioural brain research - Amsterdam ˜[u.a.]œ : Elsevier, Bd. 191 (2008), Heft 1, S. 32-42

Poggel, Dorothe;  Müller, Iris;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Multifactorial predictors and outcome variables of vision restoration training in patients with post-geniculate visual field loss
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 26 (2008), Heft 4/5, S. 321-339

Töpfer, Armin;  Kasten, Erich;  Günther, Tobias;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Perimetry while moving the eyes: implications for the variability of visual field defects
In: Journal of neuro-ophthalmology - Philadelphia, Pa. : Lippincott & Williams & Wilkins, Bd. 28 (2008), Heft 4, S. 308-319

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Plasticity and restoration of vision after visual system damage: an update
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 26 (2008), Heft 4/5, S. 243-247

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The softer side of science
In: Nature - London : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, Bd. 453 (2008), Heft 7195, S. 694

Poggel, Dorothe;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Kasten, Erich;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

The topography of training-induced visual field recovery: perimetric maps and subjective representations
In: Visual cognition - Abingdon : Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, Bd. 16 (2008), Heft 8, S. 1059-1077

Gall, Carolin;  Müller, Iris;  Gudlin, Julia;  Lindig, Anja;  Schlüter, Dorothee;  Jobke, Sandra;  Franke, Gabriele H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision- and health-related quality of life before and after vision restoration training in cerebrally damaged patients
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 26 (2008), Heft 4/5, S. 341-353

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

Jobke, Sandra;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Zeigen Patienten aufgrund ihres Gesichtsfeldausfalls Veränderungen in ihrer Persönlichkeit? - eine Untersuchung mittels FPI-R und NEI-VFQ - Do patients undergo changes of their personality due to visual field defects? - an investigation with FPI-R and NEI-VQ
In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - Stuttgart : Thieme, Bd. 225 (2008), Heft 6, S. 570-576

Gall, Carolin;  Müller, Iris;  Kaufmann, Christian;  Franke, Gabriele;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Zerebral bedingte Gesichtsfelddefekte aus Patientensicht - gesundheitsbezogene und sehspezifische Lebensqualität unter Verwendung des SF-36 und des NEI-VFQ
In: Der Nervenarzt - Berlin : Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, Bd. 79 (2008), Heft 2, S. 185-194


Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Jobke, Sandra;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Influence of uncorrected ametropia on computerbased perimetry in patients with visual field defects and normal subjects
In: Clinical ophthalmology - Auckland, New Zealand : Dove Medical Press, Bd. 1 (2007), Heft 2, S. 111-117

Jobke, Sandra;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Influence of uncorrected ametropia on computerbased perimetry in patients with visual field defects and normal subjects
In: Clinical ophthalmology - Auckland, New Zealand: Dove Medical Press, Bd. 1 (2007), 2, S. 111-117

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matzke, Steffi;  Prilloff, Sylvia 

Publishing in the field of brain plasticity, repair and rehabilitation: an emerging neuroscience niche journal
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 25 (2007), 5/6, S. 445-451

Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Matzke, Steffi;  Prilloff, Sylvia 

Publishing in the field of brain plasticity, repair and rehabilitation: an emerging neuroscience niche journal
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 25 (2007), Heft 5/6, S. 445-451

Müller, Iris;  Mast, Henning;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Recovery of visual field defects: a large clinical observational study using vision restoration therapy
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam: IOS Press, Bd. 25 (2007), 5/6, S. 563-572

Müller, Iris;  Mast, Henning;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Recovery of visual field defects: a large clinical observational study using vision restoration therapy
In: Restorative neurology and neuroscience - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 25 (2007), Heft 5/6, S. 563-572

Prilloff, Sylvia;  Noblejas, Maria Imelda;  Chedhomme, Valerie;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Two faces of calcium activation after optic nerve trauma - life or death of retinal ganglion cells in vivo depends on calcium dynamics
In: European journal of neuroscience - Oxford : Blackwell Science, Bd. 25 (2007), Heft 11, S. 3339-3346

Kasten, Erich;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Müller, Iris;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision restoration therapy does not benefit from costimulation - a pilot study
In: Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology / International Neuropsychological Society - Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 29 (2007), 6, S. 569-584

Kasten, Erich;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Müller, Iris;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision restoration therapy does not benefit from costimulation - a pilot study
In: Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology - Abingdon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 29 (2007), Heft 6, S. 569-584

Poggel, Dorothe;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Grünzig, Janna;  Kenkel, Sigrid;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Visual hallucinations during spontaneous and training-induced visual field recovery
In: Neuropsychologia - Oxford : Elsevier Science, Bd. 45 (2007), Heft 11, S. 2598-2607

Poggel, Dorothe;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Grünzig, Janna;  Kenkel, Sigrid;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Visual hallucinations during spontaneous and training-induced visual field recovery
In: Neuropsychologia: an international journal in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience - Oxford: Elsevier Science, Bd. 45 (2007), 11, S. 2598-2607



Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

1. ÄP Medizinische Psychologie, medizinische Soziologie - [mit vielen klinischen Bezügen]
In: Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme, 2006, XIX, 428 Seiten - (Schwarze Reihe), ISBN: 978-3-13-114924-4 [Literaturverzeichnis Seite 414-415]

Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

1. ÄP: Medizinische Psychologie, medizinische Soziologie - [mit vielen klinischen Bezügen]
In: Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme, 2006, 14. Aufl., XIX, 428 Seiten, Illustrationen, 240 mm x 170 mm - (Schwarze Reihe)

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Tan, C. S. H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Eong, K.-G. Au 

Charles Bonnet syndrome (visual hallucinations) following enucleation. Correspondence
In: Eye - London : Springer Nature, Bd. 20 (2006), Heft 12, S. 1394-1395

Tan, C. S. H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Eong, K.-G. Au 

Charles Bonnet syndrome (visual hallucinations) following enucleation. Correspondence
In: Eye: transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the United Kingdom / the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom - London: Springer Nature, Bd. 20 (2006), Heft 12, S. 1394-1395

Tan, Colin S. H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Dynamic changes in visual acuity as the pathophysiologic mechanism in Charles Bonnet syndrome (visual hallucinations)
In: European archives of psychiatry + clinical neuroscience - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 256 (2006), Heft 1, S. 62-63

Tan, Colin S. H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Dynamic changes in visual acuity as the pathophysiologic mechanism in Charles Bonnet syndrome (visual hallucinations)
In: European archives of psychiatry + clinical neuroscience: official organ of the German Society for Biological Psychiatry - Berlin: Springer, Bd. 256 (2006), Heft 1, S. 62-63

Poggel, Dorothe;  Kasten, Erich;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Improving residual vision by attentional cueing in patients with brain lesions
In: Brain research: internat. multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences / ed. board K. Akert [u.a.] - Amsterdam: Elsevier, Bd. 1097 (2006), Heft 1, S. 142-148

Poggel, Dorothe;  Kasten, Erich;  Müller-Oehring, Eva M.;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Improving residual vision by attentional cueing in patients with brain lesions
In: Brain research - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 1097 (2006), Heft 1, S. 142-148

Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Vision restoration therapy and raising red flags too early
In: British journal of ophthalmology: BJO / Institute of Ophthalmology. Ed. Sir Stewart Duke-Elder [u.a.] - London: BMJ Publishing Group, Bd. 90 (2006), Heft 5, S. 659-660

Kasten, Erich;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Visual field recovery after vision restoration therapy (VRT) is independent of eye movements - an eye tracker study
In: Behavioural brain research: an international journal - Amsterdam ˜[u.a.]œ: Elsevier, Bd. 175 (2006), Heft 1, S. 18-26

Kasten, Erich;  Bunzenthal, Ulrike;  Sabel, Bernhard A. 

Visual field recovery after vision restoration therapy (VRT) is independent of eye movements - an eye tracker study
In: Behavioural brain research - Amsterdam ˜[u.a.]œ : Elsevier, Bd. 175 (2006), Heft 1, S. 18-26

Tan, Colin S. H.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Goh, Kong-Yong 

Visual hallucinations during visual recovery after central retinal artery occlusion
In: Archives of neurology: official organ of the American Neurological Association / publ. by American Medical Association. Chief ed. Fred Plum - Chicago, Ill.: American Medical Association, Bd. 63 (2006), Heft 4, S. 598-600

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

Müller, Iris;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kasten, Erich 

Vergleich von Früh- und Spätrehabilitation bei zerebral geschädigten Patienten mit Gesichtsfelddefekten
In: Der Nervenarzt - Berlin: Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, Bd. 77 (2006), Heft 6, S. 694-701

Müller, Iris;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Kasten, Erich 

Vergleich von Früh- und Spätrehabilitation bei zerebral geschädigten Patienten mit Gesichtsfelddefekten
In: Der Nervenarzt - Berlin : Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, Bd. 77 (2006), Heft 6, S. 694-701

Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe

Schadow, Jeanette;  Naue, Nicole;  Herrmann, Christoph S.;  Sabel, Bernhard A.;  Paramei, Galina V. 

Gestalt perception in hemianopic patients: performance measures and VEPs
In: Fechner Day 2006: proceedings of the 22nd annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, St. Albans, England / Diana E. Kornbrot... (eds.)/ Fechner Day - Hatfield: Univ. of Hertfordshire Press, 2006 . - 2006, S. 263-268


Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Sabel, Bernhard;  Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. 

Improving vision in a patient with homonymous hemianopia.
In: J. Neuroophthalmol. 25(2005), Nr. 2, S. 143 - 149


Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Sabel, Bernhard;  Kenkel, Sigrid;  Kasten, Erich 

Vision restoration therapy (VRT) efficacy as assessed by comparative perimetric analysis and subjective questionnaires.
In: Restorative Neurol. Neurosci. 22(2004), Nr. 6, S. 399 - 420


Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Mueller-Oehring, Eva;  Kasten, Erich;  Poggel, Dorothe;  Schulte, Tilman;  Strasburger, Hans;  Sabel, Bernhard 

Neglect and hemianopia superimposed.
In: J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. 25(2003), Nr. 8, S. 1154 - 1168

Mueller, Iris;  Poggel, Dorothe;  Kenkel, Sigrid;  Kasten, Erich;  Sabel, Bernhard 

Vision restoration therapy after brain damage : subjective improvements of activities of daily life and their relationship to visual field enlargements.
In: Visual Impairment Res. 5(2003), Nr. 3, S. 157 - 178


Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Gothe, Janna;  Brandt, S.;  Irlbacher, K.;  Roericht, S.;  Sabel, Bernhard;  Meyer, B.U. 

Changes in visual cortex excitability in blind subjects as demonstrated by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
In: Brain 125(2002), S. 479 - 490

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