Honorary Professorships

Contact Person

Frau Christin Schönfelder

Faculty of Medicine
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg

Tel.: 0391-67-15752
Fax: 0391-67-15310



Awarded Honorary Professorships

Name  Prof. Dr. med. habil. Jörn Kekow 

Specialist Hospital for Rheumatology and Orthopedics GmbH, Vogelsang


October 11. 1996 for the Department of Rheumatology with transfer of the corporation law status of a civil servant professor


Name  Prof. Dr. med. habil. Bernd Frank
Department Institute for Neurosurgery and Neurological Rehabilitation

January 28. 2001 for the Department of Neurological-Neurosurgical Rehabilitation


Name  Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Julietta Uta Frey
Department Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg

April 02. 2001 for the Department of Neurophysiology with the transfer of the corporation law status of a full-time professor


Name  Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Zabel

Center for Paediatrics of the University of Freiburg

Awarded 14.01.2015



An honorary professorship is awarded on the basis of § 47 Higher Education Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (HSG LSA):

§ 47 Honorary professors, honorary lecturers and honorary teachers


Honorary professors are professionals working in practice, who take on part-time selected teaching duties at a university. They are not in a paid employment relationship with the university.



In principle, the same conditions and procedures apply to the appointment of honorary professors as to the appointment of full-time professors and university professors. An honorary professor may not be appointed who works full-time at the respective university. A certificate will be issued about the order. The details govern the basic order.



The property as Honorary Professor or Honorary Professor expires

1. by written resignation to the Ministry,

2. by a placement in a position of the same university as a professor,

3. By conviction in ordinary criminal proceedings by a German court if that judgment would result in the loss of civil servant rights to an official.



The appointment as honorary professor can be revoked,

1. If, for reasons for which this person is responsible, no teaching activity has been performed for two years, unless she/he has already reached the age of 62,

2. If an act was taken which would result in a disciplinary measure being imposed on an official, which can only be imposed through formal disciplinary proceedings,

3. If there is a reason for an official to lose his appointment.



 With the appointment as honorary professor or honorary professor or honorary lecturer, the entitlement to lead the term "honorary professor",  or "honorary lecturer" is connected.



If scientific institutions of other institutions collaborate with or cooperate with a higher education institution in accordance with the basic order, the position of honorary professor can be assigned to the position of a respiratory professor with the exception of the right to act as an Rector, Rector, Prorector or Vice Rector.



The appointment as Honorary Professor or Honorary Professor as well as the transfer of the corporation law status of a full-time professor to a professor is at the suggestion of the University by the Ministry.



With the expiration or revocation of the appointment as Honorary Professor, the authority to use the term "Honorary Professor" or "Honorary Professor" expires. 



Paragraphs 1 to 8 apply accordingly to honorary lecturers.




Last Modification: 14.02.2019 - Contact Person:

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